Some of Dawn’s experiences include: living in a converted convent in provincial France working on a 40 minute solo show focused on juggling letters of the alphabet; hula hooping with a samba band during a thunderstorm at a clown convention in Rio de Janeiro; Performing a 40 minute one woman juggling show to Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade with a full orchestra in Ontario, Canada; Stilt walking up mountains through to a group of hula hooping child monks in Thailand. She’s been pepper sprayed by a riot canon because she was juggling for a crowd too close to the Santiago university riots; and she’s also crossed the border to Burma with 20 fully dressed clowns in a tuk-tuk to then perform her 1-5 ball act to the most gracious people.
Dawn is now a mother and she’s incorporated the juggling, writing and clowning into her caregiving. She continues to study the psychology of play, and grounds her new ventures and community building ideas in the science of play. Dawn is a busking advocate and has been working alongside since 2011 to help art be free to all people and all people free to make public art. Dawn is now hunkered down in creation mode, bringing all of her skills together for a exciting new show!
Oh, and she’s pretty good at contact juggling.