Do you feel you have become too serious since you have become a mom? Do you want to feel more connected to yourself, your child and your family? Do you like to PLAY?
Join us and learn to be a Ringmaster!

Balancing the needs of everyone in the family like balancing on a tight wire. There are very few places in our lives where we are allowed to explore and learn to juggle all the needs parenthood, ourselves and our relationships. Although we use these skills all our lives, learning to play and relationship building are considered completed once we have turned 18, and then we are left to do everything alone! How can we fulfill the need to understand our own spirit and be attuned to our child with all we have to do at home?
Meet once a week to remember how feel the inner joy you know is inside you, while also learning to manage the mini circus you have created.
Play nourishes roots of trust, empathy, caring and sharing. It increases communication, allows us to share our common humanity, fosters innovation and brings light into an otherwise chaotic and seemingly crazy world. Join us, on a journey of re-learning the freedom of your inner child. Join the circus and learn to be a RingMaster!
What is Play?
According to Dr. Stuart Brown the definition of play is :
- Play for plays sake – it is it’s own reward!
- Voluntary – no one can force you to play!
- Authentic interest – it comes from within
- Losing track of time – living in the moment
- Diminished self consciousness – dance like no ones watching!
- Improvisational – like McGyver, but for fun!
- A desire to continue – Never wanting the fun to end!
Humans are not linear, we cannot manufactured and molded into something we are not. Us mama’s cannot predict the outcome of our children’s talents, desires, motivations and aspirations. Instead, we have to learn to listen.
How can we listen to our children if we have not yet learned to listen to ourselves?
Instead of trying to manufacture our children, we will learn to be farmers, creating the conditions in which they are the most likely to grow and thrive. Learning to play will help us learn to listen to their inner seeds, bringing ourselves and our children into more confident, and independent adults.
What do we learn?
Imagination play
Fly like a bird, hunt dragons on an ultimate quest. Join your inner child in creating imaginative worlds where they can be everything and anything. The sky’s not even a limit – reach for the stars!
Musical play
Making fart noises with your mouth can be music to your child’s ears – this isn’t a music class! Laugh and play with your voice, instruments and random objects. Creating music is found throughout every culture in the world and it’s an important part of play.
Movement play
Dance your heart out, feel your body, get connected inside yourself without comparison, rhyme or reason! What does this body do and how does it move? What are the habits it has and how can I open up more space?
Object play
Have you ever wanted to juggle? This begins with the most basic exploration of objects. Take a second look at things you take for granted and learn new ways to consider objects around you.
Playing with opposites
Up and down, near and far, happy and sad – life swings from one to the other quickly and they are very fun for your child to learn too!
Social play
Literally try on many hats with our costume tickle trunk. There is nothing more fun than trying out new roles and feeling what it’s like to be in other peoples shoes. Learn new identities and see through other peoples eyes – you’ll never know what that felt like otherwise!
We all have habits and rituals in our lives. These are what help us find solstice in a crazy world. These are places we can find 5 minutes of peace or create little moments of fun in our otherwise very serious lives.
Storytelling and narrative
Our world is filled with stories, in books, on the news, and the stories our anxiety tells us about our futures. Taking a deeper look into the world of how we build the stories around us gives us insights into who we are, where we come from and where we are going.
Play can’t exist without boundaries. We need to keep ourselves and others around us safe. How do we ensure our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies are safe so we can be free to go crazy within those boundaries?