Choreograph Breath

Choreograph Breath

I had an amazing experience recently. When I was performing at the Waterloo Juggling Festival, everything in my act went exactly as planned. This, of course, sounds how it should be, but if I am honest with you, I have really struggled in my carrier to nail it. I do...

The History of the Term Flow Arts

This article was originally posted to the Flow Arts Institute in April 2015, and has been re-posted here with permission. —————– If you ask around in the Flow Arts scene, it seems to come down to a small group of people,...
What do you include in your Fitness Praxis?

What do you include in your Fitness Praxis?

There is a lot of talk about practice time, discipline, focus and attention to details in the world of juggling and Flow Arts. The combined action of this work is what I call Fitness Praxis. Yet, there are so many areas which we can put our attention to, which ones...
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