30 days of flow 2019

30 days of flow 2019

30 days of flow is here! Hello! I know it’s time to be gearing up for the holidays, but I wanted to catch you before you really start your plans for the new year. You will need to schedule this goal in! IT’S THE  (#30daysofflow) challenge 2019! It’s always an...
Mindfulness on Stage

Mindfulness on Stage

The fleeting moment of accomplishment is not the goal of our work. Sure, it’s motivating and it feels great. If all goes well those peaks will be there. But, that moment is only a split second of the real work. The mindfulness is the true purpose of the...

The Meaning of Art

Sometimes I wonder what the meaning of art is. I wonder if this is a good use of my life. It is a hoped that one could inspire others to find the awe and wonder in themselves. It is a hope that we could all become like children again, just for a moment. We don’t...
What is Flow?

What is Flow?

Flow is the essence of spirit, the base of human consciousness, the innocence of a child. It is the full awareness of the moment and yet the slowing of time. It is a healing place, a meditative place, it is a vulnerable place but a place of connection and rebirth. It...
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