New Roving Act Available!

New Roving Act Available!

There is a new act on the block called Bubble masters! This ring master walks through crowds and uses all the bubbles to attract a little elf who catches the bubbles. A little show begins and the ringmaster walks ahead and begins the game again. Really fun for...

Maternity Leave

Hello Everyone!   Sorry I have been offline for a while. I was busy getting married and having a baby ! I am slowly coming back online as I apply to festivals and get back into training for the summer season. I look forward to doing more writing and vlogging....
4 ways learning to drive teaches responsibility

4 ways learning to drive teaches responsibility

When I was 18, I really didn’t care to get a license and drive. To this day, I still walk, bike and take transit almost everywhere. I love it! However, my parents were forceful about me driving. At the time, they told me “woman shouldn’t be walking...
Essay Round up!

Essay Round up!

Wow! 24 essays published this year. Check out the 2016 work published on the Flow Arts Institute, the Dawn Dreams blog, and The Busking Project! The Doubts The Doubts Clean Tech Part 1 Considering Clean Technique Part 1 Clean Tech part 2 The Break Down – Clean...
Being Yourself

Being Yourself

Professor Adam Grant wrote this essay “Unless You’re Oprah, ‘Be Yourself’ Is Terrible Advice.” But it seems this professor misrepresents, and misunderstands this advice, taking it in the most literal possible meaning. What the professor doesn’t...
Paying Attention

Paying Attention

Over the years as a performance artist, I have learned that the most important factor in a good performance is paying attention, wholly and fully to every action you make and your audience’s response simultaneously. This means being vulnerable, showing up fully...
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