
This was the first video I ever made. Ryan said to me, after the first date, that he wanted a juggling story, something someone would tell in a video. As I fell for him in the 9 months that passed between our first and second date, I practiced my juggling hard. I practiced everything I could and couldn’t do. This is where my behind the neck ideas were inspired. I tried to show Ryan I could do a behind the neck roll at the juggling festival, yet I had one of those “can’t do it when you’re looking” moments. Something I know I can do, but when I have a really cute boy looking at me, the nerves wreck the idea and make me look like a fool. Thinking about the christmas video I wanted to make for .org, I considered Ryan’s idea of telling a story, and the obvious story I had to tell was – obsessive compulsive contact juggling disorder.

Obsessive Compulsive Contact Juggling Disorder

OCCJD2 the padded cell


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