OKAY amazing! I am so excited to meet everyone I can who is interested in Contact Juggling! On the road Ryan and I plan on creating videos, interactive blog posts, and teaching while learning all across our country.
Check out our video: ca.youtube.com/watch

We have our first workshop in Vancouver on July 13, 2008 at:
Tooba 211-207 Hastings Street West! 7:30 – 9:30 on Sunday, July 13th – THIS SUNDAY!

Victoria workshop is at :
the Sunset room (behind Value Village) 1810B Store Street, 7:30-9:30 Tuesday, July 15th

Ryan Mellors and Dawn Monette will be running a series of contact juggling workshops across Canada this summer. The aim of the workshop is to give students a foundation in contact juggling technique as well as introduce them to many of the concepts that form the basis of modern contact & manipulation. The unique workshop is divided into five parts, and will be structured as follows:

(1) History of Contact Juggling
From Michael Moschen to Matt Hennem and beyond. contact juggling has changed immensely in the past 2 decades, due largely to the juggling community and websites like www.contactjuggling.org
This section of the workshop aims to outline some of the key developments and changing styles over the years, and ask the question ‘Where is contact juggling going next?’

(2) Butterflies, Rolls and curves (with Dawn)
The butterfly is the foundation of most hand/body rolling. Dawn will lead the group through a series of exercises aimed at developing control in the ‘cradle’ and other balances, and then will lead the students on how to build smooth curved paths for the ball to roll, beginning with patterns on the hands and developing pathways around the whole body

(3) Multiball Contact
A lesson in palmspinning with 2-8 balls (with extra bonus wisdom courtesy of the amazing “MultiBall Contact’ book)

(4) Isolations and Straight Lines (with Ryan)
Isolations and illusions play a large role in the emerging styles of contact juggling. Ryan Mellors will lead the students through the basics of ball isolations, and then will run a series of exercises aimed at developing spatial awareness, introducing concepts of fixed point and speed control to the mix.

(5) Show and Tell
Here is your chance to show us what is going on out there in the great Canadian wilderness! The best thing about contact juggling workshops is the opportunity to meet and share with other similarly OCCJD’ed people.

All workshops will run approximately 2-3 hours, and the cost will be roughly $20-35 (depending on venue costs & availability) All workshops include a free DVD of instructional material.
To see when we will be in a city near you, go here: www.ministryofmanipulation.com/bl…8/.
For more details or to register, email contactworkshops@gmail.com

Check the web page for details: www.d95.com/workshop

*Please register to receive the most up to date information on locations (in case of changes) & video updates of our travels and workshops in other cities!

*Please forward widely!

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