It’s been a crazy holiday season, and quite a busy time, I hope you had a good time this holiday! For me, I am arranging everything over the following week in preparation for leaving for Thailand to work with refugee children with Spark! Circus to bring them some joy and creativity to their lives. I can barely contain my excitement and how much this means to me, I am sure it will be life changing for both the kids and myself!
Check the video if you haven’t seen it yet:
Thanks to everyone who has donated to the cause already! I have managed to raise $500 dollars towards the children so far! With only one week left I need some help getting to the $1000 goal each sparkle (Spark! participants) has to raise for these children! Most of these funds go towards the toys we play with & give to the children, some of it goes to the meal we feed them while we are there. Many of these children have never seen a dollar in their life or owned anything, can you imagine?! Any donation helps and most people are giving $5, $10, $20 donations which are very practical. It’s like buying dinner out one night, except the that one dinner will buy a day filled with joy and happiness which these kids will remember forever! If everyone I knew donated $5 to SPARK this circus would have to be named Bonfire Circus!
Click here to donate now:
I have been saving to reach my own goals of reaching $2000 to actually be present with SPARK!, mostly personally funded (thanks to anyone who donated specifically to my travel fund), but I have fallen short! I believe I should have enough to fly, eat & find accommodations (all funds are for the work with these kids. I am not doing any “vacationing” while in Thailand, as costs have prevented me from staying any length longer than the Spark! program). Any help with costs of travel (which is the biggest part, how can you perform for children when you aren’t there?!) is also very helpful! I have been very busy with working for Spark for months already, and it’s all volunteer! Any donations towards this work is very helpful. You can donate to traveling funds on the last donation button on my website.
Exactly what will I be doing in Thailand? Here’s what a typical day will look like:
A typical day:
* 7-8 AM wake, breakfast
* 9 AM stretching or yoga as a group
* 10-11 AM personal prep time
* 11 AM- group prep time and packing the trucks
* 11:30/12 PM ish leave to the schools/orphanage, or camp
* 12:30-1 PM set up at the school site
* 1 PM perform day show
* 130-2 PM group games
* 2-3:30 PM ish play shops and activities
* 3:30 PM clean up and pack
* 4 PM return to base
* 5 PM snack or dinner or rest
* 6 PM prepare costumes and toys for night show
* 6:30 PM leave to show
* 7 PM show
* 8 PM return home
* 8:30 PM meal, practice, private time
We will have a few days off in between just to have some down time, 12 hours of traveling & working with kids is sure to be exhausting. I can’t wait to be that exhausted, it’s the kind of tired that is so rewarding!
Also, Ariel and I are holding our last fundraiser and goodbye party on Thursday, and if you are in Vancouver you should come check this awesome intimate circus show out. Everything is by donation and it’s our last chance to do everything we can for the children of SPARK! Tell your friends, tell your mom, and COME TO THE SHOW!
Ariel and Dawn! – juggling, hooping, stilting, clowning ~ oh the skills!
Alley ‘Oop – Hooper Extraordinaire!
Chris Murdoch – Multi-Ball Blaster
Ryan Mellors – and his wacky juggling stylez
Yuki Ueda – with his Mad Toss Juggling Skillz
James Hamilton – Vancouver’s Favorite Sitar Musician
& more!!/event.php?eid=179925502031519
Thursday January 6th at
Doors open at 8pm, show starts 8:30, dancing starts at 10:30-midnight!! Check it out!
1814 Pandora St
Thanks so much for your support, I will see you Thursday!
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