30 days of flow 2019

30 days of flow 2019

30 days of flow is here! Hello! I know it’s time to be gearing up for the holidays, but I wanted to catch you before you really start your plans for the new year. You will need to schedule this goal in! IT’S THE  (#30daysofflow) challenge 2019! It’s always an...
30 Day Challenge is coming!

30 Day Challenge is coming!

On saturday I will begin the #30daychallenge for juggling. My challenge this year: Make sequences for choreography. Will you join me in the challenge? 30 minutes for 30 days with 30 new ideas And 30 instagram posts to prove it! Join me and we can support each others...

30 Day Challenge 2015

A series of 30 videos I uploaded on instagram of where I am working on my edge currently. The challenge is as follows: 30 days, of at least 30 minutes practice, posting 30 videos I add the extra bonus of only do ideas that are “New to me”. It’s a...

Goal Setting

Goal setting is an important part of being an entrepreneur. When slow season comes around, I take the time to ensure I reflect on my goals of the year, and start small tasks to ensure I can accomplish them. This year is a big year, My goals this year for example are...

End of the 30 day Challenge

The goal of the 30 day challenge is to train every single day for 30 days for at least 30 minutes and take a short video to demonstrate your work. I took on the extra challenge to ensure that the work I was showing was ideas I had never done before. I thought it would...
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