Home Again from the SPARK! Circus Tour

So I have arrived back in Vancouver after that amazing trip. I wish I could have blogged more, but I did not have a computer with me during the trip! When I can afford a new camera and computer (as they have both broken and are only moderately working), I will have a...

New Splash Promo

My life is blessed with fortune, in that, I am gifted with beautiful and amazing things in a random, seemingly coincidental way. Today, I was given a new Splash logo for my website by Ryan Mellors. Aren’t I the luckiest girl ever? Check it out, I’m not...

Dress Rehearsal!

With the Olympics coming to Vancouver in just under 6 days, I have been busy preparing for gigs with costumes and rehearsals. The city has changed, the tourists have begun descending upon this small city, ZIP lines, Jumbotrons, pretty lights and art installations have...

Chinese Night Market

This summer, my favorite place to street perform was at the night market in Chinatown. There was no competition, the vibe was amazing, the people were generous and kind and the food was cheap and delicious! I am lucky this year to have many supporters, including this...
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