I had an amazing experience recently. When I was performing at the Waterloo Juggling Festival, everything in my act went exactly as planned. This, of course, sounds how it should be, but if I am honest with you, I have really struggled in my carrier to nail it. I do...
Hello Everyone! Sorry I have been offline for a while. I was busy getting married and having a baby ! I am slowly coming back online as I apply to festivals and get back into training for the summer season. I look forward to doing more writing and vlogging....
I am back! Here’s a Sneak Preview of Dawn’s newest act & tour dates in Quebec and Toronto! View this email in your browser I AM BACK (In Canada) Hey Hey, How are you doing? Things are great here, just wanted to give you some tour dates, a download, and...
Five years ago, there was a product released called Fushigi. It was an attempt to sell contact juggling to everyone in North America, but unfortunately it was preceded by a terribly dishonest commercial. This commercial told North America that these balls “floated on...
At the British Juggling Convention last year, I demonstrated my newest work, Poetry in Motion, on the Open Stage. It’s work with Alphabet Manipulation creating Anagrams for story telling. It’s very difficult to create, but this is the beginning of the...
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