5 types of Street Shows

5 types of Street Shows

Street performing has a wide variation and can be boiled down to about 5 types of street shows, all which vary greatly, but have their own sets of rules and why they work on the streets. The 5 shows you see are Circle, Atmosphere, Musicians, traffic lighting and the...

Joining The Busking Project!!

So, wow. Last night I had a dream that I jumped off the moon with a parachute in my space suit costume to earth. It’s a sign, really, one that knows that I am leaping into a beautiful adventure, arriving in reality and reality is truly a dream. The reality is...

Greek Day 2010

I am always greatful to those who put videos out of my performances. It allows me an outsider perspective of my work and it gives me ideas on how to work on everything to make it a better presentation. This Greek Day event gives a good example of my work on the...
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