Home Again from the SPARK! Circus Tour

So I have arrived back in Vancouver after that amazing trip. I wish I could have blogged more, but I did not have a computer with me during the trip! When I can afford a new camera and computer (as they have both broken and are only moderately working), I will have a...

Happy New Year 2011!

Wow, 10 days until I leave for SPARK! Amazing times were had when some of the Vulcans showed up over the holidays to jam with us. We included them in our Hogmanay celebration video, to celebrate New Years Eve with the contact juggling crew. This was awesome to make,...

JCI Fashion Show

The photo below was taken at the JCI Fashion show. If you click the image it will bring you to the full portfolio of images, I encourage you to check out the great local photographer Budianto Nasrun gallery for a treat! Here is a link to the Fashion show itself. The...
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